I’m trying to create a custom pro report that contains many of the tokens not currently in the existing templates.
plugin installed
plugin deleted
theme installed
theme deleted
I have gone about as far as I have knowledge of PHP which isn’t far. I was able to figure out the table structure and was able to add the tokens I need when there is already a section dealing with that plugin (eg. Updraft Backups. I can add another token because the plugin is already in use. I don’t understand how to add a new plugin like wordfence into the report. Its more than just adding the tokens into the table. I also don’t know how to hide sections when no data is available.
Is there anyone on the thread that has walked through this process that could offer help gratis or paid?
I know a new report builder is coming and am excited about it, but really need to get these reports rolling sooner than later and the canned versions don’t really have all that I’d like to include.
Thank you.