Enabling MainWP Child plugin affects number of Themes displayed

When the MainWP Child plugin is enabled on a given site, the display of the available WP themes is reduced to a single theme - the one that happens to be in use at the time. So, it is no longer possible to select an alternate theme from this dashboard while the plugin is enabled. Disabling the Child plugin returns the dashboard to normal, revealing all themes installed - active and inactive.

Has anyone else noticed this?

Are you seeing the single theme in your Child site wp-admin or in your MainWP Dashboard?

Hi Dennis,

I’m referring to the WP Admin area (Dashboard/Appearance/Themes) of the child site. To be honest, I haven’t checked the MainWP Dashboard for similar behaviour, if any.

Thanks for the update.

Can you please check if you have White Label extension on your Dashboard, and are using these two settings?

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Hi Bojan,

I can confirm that the first option/toggle (Disable theme switching) is enabled. I’ll disable it and report the result here.
Thanks for the quick response!


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Hi Bojan,

Looks like that was the solution. Thanks again for your timely assistance.

David Thomson

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You are most welcome, and thanks for letting us know.

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