"Insecure Request" error when trying to sync UpdraftPlus extension settings

When trying to sync UpdraftPlus extension settings to my child sites all of them fail and present the error:

Insecure request! Please try again. If you keep experiencing the problem, please review MainWP Knowledgebase, and if you still have issues, please let us know in the MainWP Community.

Hey @hperkins

Welcome to the MainWP community.

I am unable to reproduce this on my test Dashboards.

Please check the versions of the following components to ensure everything is up to date:

  • MainWP Dashboard plugin (on your dashboard site)
  • MainWP Child plugin (on all child sites)
  • UpdraftPlus plugin (on all child sites)
  • UpdraftPlus Extension (on your MainWP Dashboard)

If any of these are not running the latest versions, please update them and try syncing again.

Let us know if the issue persists after checking the versions.

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