Originally published at: 🥳 Introducing "SEOPress for MainWP" Extension - MainWP WordPress Management
Being in the website management business for years, we understand how difficult and time-consuming it is to individually log in to each client’s website and change SEO configurations. Months ago, we received feedback to add SEOPress to our offerings. We spoke to Benjamin Denis of SEOPress; he was incredibly welcoming and excited to build an…
I love the functionality to edit settings on a per-site basis. As well as importing and exporting settings to share across the different sites. However, the requirements of having the actual SEOPress plugin installed on the MainWP WP site don’t make much sense. My MainWP dashboard is the only thing installed and being used on the WP install. So, there is no reason to have any SEO on this site.
Hi, agree with you @kwsim I was surprised that I need to install the free plugin but also the pro plugin. We hide the site from the world so we don’t want any plugins pushing our information to Google… We didn’t setup anything on the WP side of MainWP so I hope it is not going to push anything. We have a big RED FLAG seeing that the No Index is on… LOL!
This isn’t unheard of, we even require Yoast to be installed on your Dashboard to use the WordPress SEO Extenions
That would be something you should bring up to the SEOPress team to make sure they are aware of it.
One last point I would like to make is that let’s not get into a “not seeing the forest for the trees” mindset here and recognize that this Extension was built and provided for free to the community by the SEOPress team, which should be applauded and encouraged.
The plugin won’t push anything because nothing was setup or connected. The BIG RED FLAG is showing because your “Discourage search engines from indexing this site” in Settings > Reading is checked. According to the documentation, the Pro plugin is optional. But I’m unsure if not having the Pro installed would affect the extension.
@dennis - the red flag is normal, I was just joking! You must have it there for your clients’ site as it is an indication that you are blocking indexing… In our case, that is a good thing.
And yes, thanks to the SEOPress team to bring this plugin into MainWP system but keep in mind that we want to protect our MainWP install and pushing info to search engine about our site is not a good idea. That is why I tried to turn off all features but crashed. I know @SEOPress is working on it as we speak so we will wait, and when ready we will test it again and share the result with the community. Thanks
I really appreciate that SEOPress has provided this extension and can see this as an invaluable tool. My only concern is having plugins on the MainWP instance that are not used opens possible security vulnerabilities to the one site that manages all others.
If your admin site is that critical, you can always configure something like a firewall or server-side password block that only allows you in, or certain IP addresses, etc.
A geo block is also a decent stop gap, just block every country where you are not likely to log in from.
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