LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress integration

I’m after something similar, when I use Main WP to update plugins the Litespeed cache isn’t cleared which then often breaks the site.

I’ve just found that you can force the Litespeed cache to be refreshed by adding a hook. I just need to know which hook to add here when Main WP updates a plugin the site.

Purge All Hooks

a list of recommended hooks

LSCWP executes a “Purge All” action on the cache when certain WordPress hooks are run. You can change the purge behavior for your LSCWP installation by changing these hooks. For example, if you don’t want to purge the cache every time you create a new tag or category, remove the create_term hook from the list. Or, if you do want to purge the cache every time a comment is posted on your site, you could add the comment_post hook.

LiteSpeed recommends you Purge All when the following hooks are run: