I am surprised that such a fundamental functionality as reliable updates is hardly described or not implemented!
Here follow some wishes for a tool like MainWP:
I want to have control over which plugins are updated on which page.
I want to decide when these updates are done.
I want to know when the last backup was made (and if it was successful).
After nightly updates (trusted updates) I would like to get an overview on the next morning in MainWP, on which pages which updates were done, to check these child sites if necessary.
Are these extraordinary expectations for a web admin tool?
Have I overlooked any help documents? Why not a Youtube video on how to perform updates on child pages as efficiently and safely as possible?
Right now, you can set certain plugins/themes as trusted, and they will then be automatically updated across all child sites which do not have automatic updates disabled. It is not currently possible to mark plugins/themes as Trusted per child site.
For that and for the rest of your thoughtful suggestions, please feel free to make submissions on our feedback site. That way, others can vote for it, letting us know which features our users want the most.
There are some feedback posts that reflect some points mentioned here… fore example this one is 12 month old without an adequate reaction from the mainWP devs.
it might be a good idea adding these basic highly needed functionality without waiting people to vote for it… because these are so obviously needed for a tool like MainWP.