I have MainWP on a domain I’m not going to renew. So the question is, If I backup and restore to a new domain, or sub-domain, will this work? Or do I need to do a fresh install?
Hi Lemarque, I would say that what you propose is correct. I would use Updraft Plus to back up your site using the option to send to a different Domain, then at your new location, import the backup, done!
@SMG that’s a good idea but you may run into issues with the OpenSSL keys not matching so the new Dashboard won’t be able to connect to the child sites.
I would recommend following this KB Article Move Child Sites to Another MainWP Dashboard - MainWP Documentation
I have also seen that if you change domains the boilerplate pages / posts may disconnect. By that I mean when you try and update one created on the old domain it may create a new page on the child instead of updating the existing one.
Thanks everyone for for the replies!
Think I’ll follow Dennis’s suggestion. Just a few more clients and then I’ll upgrade to Pro!
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