I’ve got around 25 sites or so in my dashboard and when I view the overview of them, none of them show backups: Image 2020-02-05 at 10.01.4.... When I go into Time Capsule under Extensions it is reading correctly: Image 2020-02-05 at 10.02.3....
Did I find a bug? How can we get this to reflect on the main site overview?
Now that I made the update as suggested, the view on my dashboard looks different, but still says “Never.” Perhaps there is a sync to still happen? Image 2020-02-06 at 8.49.07 AM
@graceatwork The “Red Never” is ONLY for the Native Backup system. If you go to MainWP > Settings > Global Options & turn it OFF & Choose your Prefered Backups System instead - those “Red Nevers” should go away.
Right, I updated it to the WPTC backup solution in settings, and now I see something different…still not updating though. See my screenshot in my last post.