I recently ran across this issue. It’s not necessarily a bug, but it would be nice to have the back-end process change to prevent extremely high bandwidth usage.
Steps to recreate:
- configure UpdraftPlus Extention for MainWP to push backups to a DropBox folder
- then remove DropBox destination folder, but don’t remove the UpdraftPlus backup configuration
- watch server’s bandwidth usage go up for 4 hours until the backup cron fails silently
What’s happening is the UpdraftPlus extension for MainWP is still trying to push backups to a now non-existent DropBox destination folder. The cron just tries over and over again, pushing large chunks that do not go anywhere. After 4 hours, the process fails silently and hundreds of GB of bandwidth have been used up.
For example, I have a server at Vultr that has a bandwidth quota of 3TB/month. With this process failing, the daily bandwidth usage was 10x to 15x of normal. See screenshots. A small 7GB site that was trying to be backed up by UpdraftPlus was resulting in 100-120GB of bandwidth usage over a 4-hr window before the backup process fails silently.