Category | Topics |
BugA bug report means something is broken, preventing normal/typical use of MainWP. Do be sure to search prior to submitting bugs. Include the steps to reproduce, any screen caputres you have and only describe one bug per topic, please.
SupportSupport on configuring and using the MainWP Dashboard and Child plugins along with MainWP Extensions.
WordPress DiscussionAnything related to WordPress, WordPress plugins or themes, and the WordPress community at large.
HowToTutorial topics that describe how to set up, configure, or install MainWP using a specific hosting or environment. Topics in this category may only be created by trust level 2 and up.
Community FeedbackDiscussions about the MainWP Community site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.
UXDiscussion about the user interface of MainWP, how features are presented, including language and UI elements.
How do IUse the “How do I…” category to ask questions not related to support of the MainWP plugin or Extensions but for general questions on how to do something.
ReleasesThis category is used to outline each official release of MainWP Dashboard and Child plugins. If you wish to discuss any of the topics here open a new discussion, only moderators have write access here.
DevAnything related to coding MainWP submitting pull requests, creating Extensions, coding conventions, and so forth.
MainWP AnnouncementsFor MainWP News, completed features, currently or soon to be run in production.
HostingTopics about hosting MainWP, either on your own servers, in the cloud, or with specific hosting services.
Welcome to the MainWP CommunityIntroduce yourself to the MainWP Community, this is a place for WordPress users controlling multiple sites to interact with one another, share stories of growing a maintenance business, ask for help, give help to others, and of course discuss MainWP.
WordPress Maintenance BusinessDiscussions on what it takes to build and sustain a WordPress Maintenance Business.
Dashboard and Child Feature RequestsThis board has been moved to the new Feedback site. Please post any suggestions there.