Thanks for piping in, Chris. I, too, have similar setups for the sites that stay connected as those that repeatedly disconnect and don’t manually reconnect. I feel like the suggestion of a plugin blocking the reconnect is an attempt for an “easy fix” but honestly, we’ve tried the easy fixes, or else we wouldn’t be posting to the support forums…
In my case, it’s only 6 of 52 that keep doing this, and I’ve discovered the strange work-around of logging into the site directly which allows the reconnect to actually work, but that certainly isn’t feasible in all cases, such as yours.
This morning, before checking back on this thread, I set our company’s site to a default theme, and disabled all non-mainwp child plugins, and still it couldn’t reconnect.
After coming back, I tried the work around, of manually logging into the site, and attempting the reconnection again, still without luck. I wouldn’t be surprised if that might’ve been related to why I was able to get them to reconnect in the past, though, as I had been logging into the sites separately for other tasks.
I’m going to try a few more of the sites with that in mind, though.
For those curious, we were not able to pinpoint an exact issue here, but there may have been some resources on the hosting level that were lacking.
I decided to stop managing these particular sites (along with a few others) through MainWP for a few different reasons (not just this one), so I can’t provide much other help here.
If you are having similar issues, I’d suggest checking your hosting server’s resources.