Hi Ulmo
thanks for getting back to me.
Yes, you could use the Pro Reports system to send this data as a part of reports, but this approach requires making custom tokens for Reports.
To do that, here are the provided hooks:
// Create Custom tokens
add_filter( 'mainwp_pro_reports_tokens_groups', 'mycustom_reports_tokens_groups' );
function mycustom_reports_tokens_groups( $tokens ) {
// examples
$tokens['plugins']['sections'][] = array( 'name' => 'section.plugins.custompluginsection', 'desc' => 'Custom plugin section descriptions' );
$tokens['plugins']['nav_group_tokens']['custompluginsection'] = 'Custom plugin section';
$tokens['custompluginsection'][] = array( 'name' => 'plugin.custompluginsection.tokenname1', 'desc' => 'Token1 name descriptions' );
$tokens['custompluginsection'][] = array( 'name' => 'plugin.custompluginsection.tokenname2', 'desc' => 'Token2 name descriptions' );
return $tokens;
// token values
add_filter('mainwp_pro_reports_custom_tokens', 'mycustom_reports_custom_tokens');
function mycustom_reports_custom_tokens($tokens_values, $report) {
$tokens_values['[plugin.custompluginsection.tokenname1]'] = 'Value for custom token name1';
$tokens_values['[plugin.custompluginsection.tokenname2]'] = 'Value for custom token name2';
return $tokens_values;
Now, you just need to get values for the tokens.
Here is one basic example that shows how you can get an array of all available updates:
$all_updates = array();
$websites = MainWP_DB::instance()->query( MainWP_DB::instance()->get_sql_websites_for_current_user() );
while ( $websites && ( $website = MainWP_DB::fetch_object( $websites ) ) ) {
$wp_upgrades = json_decode( MainWP_DB::instance()->get_website_option( $website, 'wp_upgrades' ), true );
$plugin_upgrades = json_decode( $website->plugin_upgrades, true );
$theme_upgrades = json_decode( $website->theme_upgrades, true );
$translation_upgrades = json_decode( $website->translation_upgrades, true );
$all_updates[ $website->id ] = array(
'wp_core' => $wp_upgrades,
'plugins' => $plugin_upgrades,
'themes' => $theme_upgrades,
'translation' => $translation_upgrades,
MainWP_DB::free_result( $websites );