


Thinker | Tech Advocate | Hunter | Meat Eater | Nature Advocate

I am a Web Developer, Designer, and Small Business Owner at currently living in New Jersey.

Since a very early age I have been either building custom PC’s or custom websites. I have always been into technology since I can remember.

I enjoy helping others. So when I see a question asked or a problem presented that I know the answer to, I can’t help myself, I have to answer with what I know. Often times I find myself digging extremely deep into a topic for the answers & learn things that I didn’t know before. I guess that’s why I like Technology so much. There is always something else to learn.



I have been a MainWP user since January 2016. Utilizing the MainWP Dashboard & Extension Suite to help Maintain my client’s WordPress Installations. Not long after discovering MainWP I joined the MainWP User Facebook Group.

After providing in-depth support in the MainWP User Facebook Group for a few years, I got the oprotunity to Join MainWP as an Official Team Member. In November 2019 I joined the MainWP Team as a Support Technician.