From what I understand, pro reports have the ability to show abandoned plugin information (featured added in 4.1?). However, in my test, this information is not showing even though the site’s overview page clearly shows the abandoned plugins.
Thanks for the fast response. I’m glad they are still supported. But how to use them in the Pro reports? In the data tab, there’s ‘plugin updates’ but that’s about it.
Thank you for that and sorry for the confusion. My question was more about if there was a way to add this information through the UI instead of the tokens like the other data. Thanks for the clarification and for the resource.
The reason I asked is because, if I needed to send a report/email to clients concerning their abandoned plugins, I could do so using the client report so they can see the issue in question in an HTML format instead of having to open a Pro report to get that critical information.
Is there an alternative way to send this information in HTML format?
I don’t know why I thought I couldn’t add this into the email body. Thanks for that.
Just a last question on abandoned plugins. Is there supposed to be a notifications about abandoned plugins if a plugin exceeds the number of specified in the setting? I can’t recall a single email or notification or is it simply information that’s posted on the dashboard?
Right now, there are no email notifications for abandoned plugins/themes.
Please feel free to make a suggestion about this on our feedback site. That way, others can vote for it, letting us know which features our users want the most.