Access the Wordpress dasboard on the child site

Hi all,
I am very new working with MainWP.
With MainWP I plan to manage the maintenance of a few sites, while allowing others still to have access to the WP Dashboard on the childsite itself for post and product updates.

While testing MainWP I now have connected a childsite, but I can no longer access the WP Dashboard directly on the childsite itself anymore.

Is waht I am looking for possible at all within MainWP?
If yes… how?

Thanks for any tips.


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The child site should keep working how it was. What error do you get, when you try to go to the WP dashboard on the child site? Or what else do you see?

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Hey @fkuypers

Welcome to the MainWP community!

As @josklever pointed out, the access to WP Admin of the Child Site should not be affected.

Did you install any MainWP extensions that might have blocked certain areas of the child site’s WP Admin (e.g. White Label extension)?

What do you see when you try to log in to the WP Admin? Can you share some screenshots with us?


It seems the MainWP child plugin blocks all access to the “local” WP dashboard, when the site is connected to the MainWP Dashboard. When I try to access it, I get a white screen and nothing happens, no error message no nothing.
As soon as I “disconnect” the 2 , local access is possible again.

Zero clues left behind onfortunately :frowning:


I assume by this you mean the WP Admin (or the backend) of the child site and not that the site is hosted locally on your computer?

Do you get a white screen when you try to access front end or the back end of that child site?

Can you try in a different browser or in an Incognito window?

Do you know if that child site was connected to a different MainWP Dashboard previously?

Hi (all),

It seems there was a conflict with one of the plugins. I deactivated a few and now it works fine !

Thanks for helping out !!

BR fm NL


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