Add a percentage based shipping rate increase in WooCommerce

Add a percentage based shipping rate increase in WooCommerce on child sites.

Snippet Type

Execute on Child Sites


add_filter('woocommerce_package_rates', 'increase_shipping_costs', 10, 2);
function increase_shipping_costs( $rates, $package ) {
    $rate_multiplier = 1.65; //  65% increase cost
    // Loop through shipping rates
    foreach ( $rates as $rate_key => $rate ) {
        if ( 'free_shipping' !== $rate->method_id && $rate->cost > 0 ) {
            $has_taxes = false; // Initializing
            $taxes     = array(); // Initializing

            $rates[$rate_key]->cost = $rate->cost * $rate_multiplier; // Set new rate cost
            // Loop through taxes array (change taxes rate cost if enabled)
            foreach ($rate->taxes as $key => $tax){
                if( $tax > 0 ){
                    $taxes[$key] = $tax * $rate_multiplier; // Set the new tax cost in the array
                    $has_taxes   = true; // Enabling tax changes
            // set array of shipping tax cost
            if( $has_taxes ) {
                $rates[$rate_key]->taxes = $taxes;
    // For a filter hook, always return the main argument
    return $rates; 

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