Adding a Custom Provider to the API Backups submenu

Hi there, I’m trying to develop a custom extension that adds a provider I want (; REST API doc) as an API Backup option. I’m having trouble navigating the codebase and knowledgebase to determine precisely what functionality I need to implement. Although I’m new to developing this kind of integration, the code relevant to each provider seems intermingled with others. Is there anything I can reference that might make this process simpler?

Hey @apolloslns

Welcome to the MainWP community!

To integrate as a custom provider under the API Backups option, I recommend checking the MainWP GitHub repository. The relevant code for backup providers is part of the MainWP Dashboard, and reviewing it will give you a better idea of how similar providers are integrated. Following the structure of a provider that’s most similar to would be a good approach to develop your extension.

Keep in mind that this process is quite comprehensive. It involves more than just adding a few hooks; you will need to implement API connection logic, define the available actions, and set up the required configurations. Due to the complexity of the task, it’s hard to provide a simple tutorial at the moment.

Once you’ve developed the integration, feel free to submit a Pull Request, and our team would be happy to review it.

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