Is there a shortcode available for adding NameServers in Pro Reports?
Additionally, in the ‘Sites → Manage Sites’ section, I would like to replace the ‘Last Sync’ information with NameServers. Is this possible?"
Finally, is there a projected date for the inclusion of .gr domains in the automatic domain monitoring feature?
Many thanks!
(Bojan Katusic)
Hi @webtailors
Right now, there is no token or shortcode for NameServers, and replacing ‘Last Sync’ information with NameServers is not possible.
However, you can define new custom tokens on the Dashboard > Extensions > Pro Reports > Tokens page, and make one for NameServers.
Then on the Edit page of the Child Site, you would define the values e.g. the actual NameServers, and use the new token in the report.
We’re always expanding the TLD scope of Domain Monitor. I’ve noted your request for .gr and passed it along to the development team.
Many thanks Bojan!
Any ideas when the .gr domains will be available?
(Bojan Katusic)
You are most welcome.
I don’t have an ETA for gr TLD support, but it may be difficult to add it, considering the TLD is not supported on ICANN Lookup.
We will certainly continue to look for more avenues that will enable us to add support for more TLDs.
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