Recently I have had an incident with a plugin, specifically “WP Activity Log plugin (Premium)” that has left me without access to several of the sites managed with MainWP, specifically it was not possible to log in to wp-admin or wp-login.php returning a 500 error.
Is there any way to set up in MainWP (parent) some alert or probe that allows to monitor the working status of plugins, or plugins in a list, or wp-admin of managed sites so that by means of this alert you receive notifications or nitifications by email or push?
From what I have been checking the error is related to this function and the MainWP plugin for WP Activity Log Premium on child sites, which performs a number of checks
public function set_mainwp_child_stealth_mode() {<br />
if (<br />
! $this->plugin->get_global_boolean_setting( 'mwp-child-stealth-mode', false ) // MainWP Child Stealth Mode is not already active.<br />
&& WpSecurityAuditLog::is_mainwp_active() // And if MainWP Child plugin is installed & active.
) {<br />
// Check if freemius state is anonymous.<br />
if ( ! wsal_freemius()->is_premium() && 'anonymous' === $this->plugin->get_global_setting( 'freemius_state', 'anonymous' ) ) {<br />
// Update Freemius state to skipped.<br />
$this->plugin->set_global_setting( 'wsal_freemius_state', 'skipped', true );<br />
if ( ! WpSecurityAuditLog::is_multisite() ) {<br />
wsal_freemius()->skip_connection(); // Opt out.v
} else {<br />
wsal_freemius()->skip_connection( null, true ); // Opt out for all websites.<br />
}<br />
Checks of this function:
Sets MainWP stealth mode for child sites.
Sets the plugin to stealth mode for MainWP child sites.
Perform the following steps in stealth mode:
Freemius connection is skipped.
Freemius warnings are removed.
WSAL incognito mode is set.
Administrators of other sites are restricted.
The current user is set as the only editor of WSAL (WordPress Security Activity Log).
Setting up an alert or a probe that would check if a particular plugin has stopped working is not currently possible with MainWP. Maybe there’s a 3rd party service that would be able to do so, but I’m not familiar with any such service.
The issue appears to be related to the WP Activity Log plugin, so perhaps it would be best to report it to their support.
My curiosity is why in the settings.php of the WP Activity Log plugin I find references to the MainWP plugin and the management of child sites.
What is the direct relationship with the cause of the error?
If I deactivate MainWP Child on the affected child site, the WP Activity Log plugin remains activated and working and the error 500 disappears.
WP Activity Log support (Premium) has already provided me with an update for this plugin, but I am concerned about how well MainWP and this plugin can get along or not.
That function is part of their plugin, and while the mention of MainWP in it is curious, we are not in a position to speculate what that function does for their plugin.
This issue seems to be a small coding slip-up on their part. Activity Log has gotten along with MainWP for a long time, and I’m sure it will continue in the future.