Auto-updates not showing in reports

Hello, I use WP6.6 and auto-updates for plugins are not showing in reports.

I enable auto-update for a plugin, then wait for the cron to run and the auto-update succeeds. But there is no logs about the update in the pro reports settings page (attached image) and also the updates are not appearing inside the report pdf.

And I don’t have any weird rules also

Can you check it please? It’s quite important

Hey @dichagr

The automatic updates triggered by the MainWP Dashboard are logged in the Child Reports and subsequently shown in Pro Reports.

However, right now, the Child Reports plugin does not log automatic updates performed by WordPress itself, even with WP Cron tracking option enabled.

We will be including support for it in the next version of the MainWP Child Reports plugin.

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Thank you, this would be awesome. I hope it’s something easy and gets released soon.
WP 6.6 has an auto-rollback for failed auto-updates making them pretty safe, so most users (including me) will switch to WP auto-updates for easier maintenance.

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