This has been going on for quite some time. Only 1 or 2 of the 10 sites in my dashboard will show Yoast SEO plugin updates available on the Plugins Updates page, and even then only randomly. The sites themselves clearly show the updates available in their plugin lists.
MainWP dashboard and child plugins are current.
Sites use different themes and plugin sets
Sites are on different hosts
Issue has existed specifically with Yoast for at least 8 months. (And now I have to start checking all sites manually periodically again to ensure no other plugins are having this issue)
Different sites will show up/fail at different times
No sites using the MainWP Yoast extension
As can be seen in screenshot below, the Plugins List clearly shows the discrepancies - several of those sites are more than one version out-of-date so it’s not just a delay in the newest update being processed.
Anyone else seen similar issues with Yoast or other plugins?
I don’t have any issues with this for Yoast SEO (free or Premium) or other plugins. Sometimes plugins show up a bit later if there’s caching on the client site and updates weren’t checked (cron disabled or not executed).
But you should also check if the updates are not on the ignore list (Plugins → Ignored Updates) in your dashboard.
Hey @dennis - it would be really useful if that Plugins listing included the Ignored status for the affected plugins!
It could be done as a status column but would be even more powerful if the logic could be written so that when a plugin has an update available but is on the Ignore list, that Update Now button is replaced with Ignored.