includes/compatible.php is missing a legacy fallback for getWebsitesByUserId():
Call to undefined method MainWP_DB::getWebsitesByUserId()
Legacy fallbacks for updateWebsiteOption() and getWebsiteOption() missing as well. I guess this will break a lot of extensions.
Hi @mensmaximus, thanks for reporting this. As per our testing, 4.1 is compatible with all currently released extensions. However, I will have our dev team check this report.
I will let you know as soon as I get more info from them.
As for now I have written my own methods to be compatible with both mainwp dashboard versions:
public static function main_wp_db_data() {
$main_wp_namespace = true;
if ( class_exists('\MainWP\Dashboard\MainWP_DB') ){
$main_wp_db = new \MainWP\Dashboard\MainWP_DB;
} else {
$main_wp_db = new MainWP_DB;
$main_wp_namespace = false;
return array( 'main_wp_db' => $main_wp_db, 'main_wp_namespace' => $main_wp_namespace );
public static function get_websites_by_user_id( $user_id ){
$main_wp_db_data = self::main_wp_db_data();
$main_wp_db = $main_wp_db_data['main_wp_db'];
if ( true === $main_wp_db_data['main_wp_namespace'] ) {
$websites = $main_wp_db->get_websites_by_user_id( $user_id );
} else {
$websites = $main_wp_db->getWebsitesByUserId( $user_id );
return $websites;
public static function get_website_by_id( $id, $selectGroups = false ){
$main_wp_db_data = self::main_wp_db_data();
$main_wp_db = $main_wp_db_data['main_wp_db'];
if ( true === $main_wp_db_data['main_wp_namespace'] ) {
$website = $main_wp_db->get_website_by_id( $id, $selectGroups );
} else {
$website = $main_wp_db->getWebsiteById( $id );
return $website;
public static function get_website_option( $website, $option ) {
$main_wp_db_data = self::main_wp_db_data();
$main_wp_db = $main_wp_db_data['main_wp_db'];
if ( true === $main_wp_db_data['main_wp_namespace'] ) {
$option = $main_wp_db->get_website_option( $website, $option );
} else {
$option = $main_wp_db->getWebsiteOption( $website, $option );
return $option;
public static function update_website_option( $website, $option, $value ) {
$main_wp_db_data = self::main_wp_db_data();
$main_wp_db = $main_wp_db_data['main_wp_db'];
if ( true === $main_wp_db_data['main_wp_namespace'] ) {
$main_wp_db->update_website_option( $website, $option, $value );
} else {
$main_wp_db->updateWebsiteOption( $website, $option, $value );
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Fixed in the version 4.1-beta2
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