[BackWPup] 5.X plugin update broke everything


We recently updated all of the websites we’re managing from BackWPup 4.X to 5.X, which was a big mistake to say the least. The hot fixes did help though and as of right now (5.0.3) the plugin is at least usable.

However, communication between MainWP via the BackWPup extension (5.0.1) and the BackWPup plugins installed on the websites (5.0.3) is unreliable at best.

Is the extension being worked on and will there be an update soon to at least make it usable again? As of right now, pretty much all the basic functions of the extensions are broken, which is why I’m not listing specific features that don’t work anymore. It’s pretty much all of them.

Just wanted to make you guys aware of the issue.

Thank you!

Hey @renwthe

The BackWPUp extension is being actively maintained and worked on.

We have recently fixed an issue with backups not being downloadable through the extension, which will be included in the next release.

Please let us know what other issues you may be experiencing and we will gladly look into it.

Hi Bojan,

ever since the plugin update from 4.1.8 to 5.0 on Feb 4, the UI and also a lot of the core functionalities of the plugin look and work differently now and I don’t believe the extension has been updated yet, to reflect those changes and be compatible.

As I’ve said, I’m not sure if it’s helpful if I start listing features that don’t work anymore, because the plugin has undergone a complete UI and feature overhaul. The extension and the plugin just don’t seem compatible anymore. Have a dev look at it and they will immediately see what I’m talking about. It’s quite obvious.

Since you’ve asked me, here are a few obvious examples:

  • backup jobs created via the extension are not being synced to the website
  • editing/deleting existing backup jobs via the extension is impossible now (error message: “cannot get child job_id”)
  • when adding a new website to MainWP and I click on “Install BackWPup” and “Sync Backup jobs” that doesn’t work
  • scanning for, editing and deleting existing backups is very unreliable

I could go on and also mention some minor bugs, which I don’t really care about, as long as the core functionalities of the plugin or the extension don’t seem to be working reliably.

Thank you for your support!

You are indeed correct. BackWPUp plugin had a major upgrade with this version and our extension needs to be updated.

I have verified the issues you reported, except for scanning, editing, and deleting existing backups, which worked reliably in my test. However, we will conduct further testing.

I have forwarded this to our development team, and we will ensure full compatibility for our BackWPUp extension in the next release.

Hi Bojan,

thank you very much!

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