is there a way to setup Jobs via the BackWPup extension and only sync it to specific websites, instead of all of them? We run a bunch of websites and some of them need backups to happen a lot more frequently than others, but it seems like you can only create backup jops that automatically get synced to all websites.
thank you for the quick reply. I had already checked the documentation before creating my post, but it seems like I haven’t described my issue precisely enough, sorry.
I am aware that you can set up individual backups for each site via their BackWPup tab, but I was hoping there was a way to do this in bulk and give different groups of websites different backup jobs/schedules.
Thanks for the clarification. Unfortunately, this is not currently possible with MainWP.
It does seem like it would be a good addition.
Please feel free to make the suggestion on our feedback site. That way, others can vote for it, and it lets us know which features our users want the most.