Best plugins to compress/optimize media automatically

Masters, please, what server-side plugins are you using for image compression/optimization?

I tried to use WP Compress for image optimization and CDN, but for each site it demans different tunning, so I will step back from CDN and look for some local solution to reduce/compress/optimize images without sending them to a provider to be processed, what you guys suggest?

If supported by MainWP better, but OK if not

Thanks a lot and regards

My tools are:

  • Imsanity (reducing to max pixel size)
  • PNG to JPG (convert images that are no vector images, like logos and have no transparency)
  • (removing unneeded data and compression)

They can’t be used with MainWP (as far as I know), but run on the child sites for free without the need for external services.

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I’m using ShortPixel on all my care plans. I had also used WP Compress but they got too greedy trying to make a full on optimization plugin, too many features, too fat. I only want an image compressor, so I switched to ShortPixel.

It will reduce the max size on upload, compress all the thumbnails after that, backup originals, convert to webp if you want and bulk compress existing media, including PDF compression which works pretty well.

I’ve had far more issues over the years with WP Compress than with ShortPixel, and the price is not bad for the unlimited plan, I include it free with my plans.

You can even use the image compression tool off their website if you need to compress images apart from any particular website.

With their lossy compression, I find the quality to be just fine, and I get average 45%-90% compression on average.
If the website needs higher quality compression, like photography or just want to keep really good images, switch to glossy, no problems.

ShortPixel has the “Image Optimizer” product which is the one you want. Their “Adaptive Images” one is the real time optimize/CDN which isn’t my cup of tea. I prefer to just optimize them locally and have caching through the host or nginx or Cloudflare or whatever else. CDNs have been real fussy for me over time and I’m tired of the glitches.

Thank you guys!!

I followed @josklever tips, thanks a lot!!

I used Imsanity and to resize and compress them, works perfectly!

I took a look on ShortPixel mentioned by @zackw but its expensive for me, also I think too heavy for a small job. I was expecting to have some converter to webp without sending them over internet.

I decided to have webp convertion locally using ASE (, it makes me free of almost 10 plugins consolidating lot of features on a light plugin, loved it! The only downsize is that he does not compress or resize old images, so, I will always run Jos plugins on already existent sites before ASE :slight_smile: )

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Converter for Media works pretty good for me, even on the free plan. If you use nginx then you’ll need to add their custom conf.