Cache control wp optimize cache solution not found

I might be missing something in the setup process. I have cache control extension installed on my mainwp dashboard, I have child plugin on child site, I use WP Optimize on child site. After installing cache control on mainwp dashboard and syncing child site, numerous times, Wp optimize is not picked up as the cache solution for child site in mainwp dashboard. Just continues to show ‘plugin not found’ cash solution column. Any possibilities as to why that could be?

Hey @Nictrt

Welcome to the MainWP community!

Can you check if Page Caching is enabled in WP Optimize on the Child site?
If it is not, then Cache Control will report that no caching solution has been detected.

Be sure to sync after you enable it.

Page caching as well as preloading cache enabled. Cleared in the hopes of that perhaps helping, but it didn’t. Have synced multiple times. Not making use of cloudflare.

Thanks for checking that.

If you are using the latest version of MainWP Dashboard (v5.2.2) and Cache Contro (v.5.0), and the issue persists, please open a private Help Desk ticket so we can collect some additional information & investigate further.

And please refer to this Managers thread by its URL in the ticket.

I tried it with WP Rocket and it works, so I’ll just use that. Thanks for input.


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