Both the Rocket extension and the Cache Control are still not working for me. We have been around 2 year later now since the first time I mentioned this. There is still no update for the Rocket extension, it is still completely outdated for a long time now.
MainWP support said that the Rocket extension will be updated to the latest WPRocket settings (one button to clear and preload the cache) but 2 years later this is still not the case.
We already had a very long private email with MainWP support, they where very helpfull but after a lot of emails where not able to solve my issue.
Today, I still can’t use both Cache extensions. They simply don’t clear and/or preload the cache at all on my websites.
We are currently doing a feature comparison between the WP Rocket extension and the WP Rocket plugin with the intention of bringing the extension completely up to date. We don’t have an exact ETA for this update at this moment.
The issue with the Cache Control not clearing the WP Optimize and WP Rocket caches is not something we can reproduce on our test Dashboards.
I found the previous ticket you opened with us for the Cache Control extension, and it appears that you decided not to continue with troubleshooting and instead to wait on the update to the WP Rocket extension.
However, the development team will gladly take another look at the Cache Control issue.
With that in mind, please open a private Help Desk ticket so we can collect some additional information & investigate further.