We recently updated from WordPress 5.9.3 to 6.0. However, this resulted in a “Critical Error” across all our sites. We went to install a zip folder version of WP 5.9.3 (to roll the upgrade back), however we don’t see an area to do so. Is this is an option?
We have the option to INSTALL themes and plugins across multiple sites, but we don’t see an area to INSTALL WordPress core files. Can you kindly advise if this is possible? And if so, where do we go to do it?
Unfortunately, this is not currently possible with MainWP.
Please feel free to make the suggestion on our feedback site? That way, others can vote for it, and it lets us know which features our users want the most.
I think this is impossible, because the child site can’t be reached, so there’s no communication with the MainWP Child plugin, so core files can’t be pushed. Access via (S)FTP or something like that would be necessary.
Regarding the WordPress 6.0 issue. I’ve updated all my 240 sites without any issues, so there must be something wrong with your sites, like old plugins/theme, or a hosting issue.