Cannot deactivate WP Super Cache

First everything is working perfectly for all the sites that I manage on MainWP. Except for…

I have multiple sites that have active plugin WP Super Cache. I want to deactivate this plugin and get notice:

MainWP Child plugin not detected or could not be reached! Ensure the MainWP Child plugin is installed and activated on the child site, and there are no security rules blocking requests.

And on the site I get E_ERROR:

Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function extract_from_markers() in /home/tfcahost/
Stack trace:
#0 /home/tfcahost/ wpsc_get_htaccess_info()
#1 /home/tfcahost/ wp_cache_disable_plugin()
#2 /home/tfcahost/ wpsupercache_deactivate()
#3 /home/tfcahost/ WP_Hook->apply_filters()
#4 /home/tfcahost/ WP_Hook->do_action()
#5 /home/tfcahost/ do_action()
#6 /home/tfcahost/ deactivate_plugins()
#7 /home/tfcahost/ MainWP\Child\MainWP_Child_Install->plugin_action()
#8 [internal function]: MainWP\Child\MainWP_Child_Callable->plugin_action()
#9 /home/tfcahost/ call_user_func()
#10 /home/tfcahost/ MainWP\Child\MainWP_Child_Callable->call_function()
#11 /home/tfcahost/ MainWP\Child\MainWP_Child_Callable->init_call_functions()
#12 /home/tfcahost/ MainWP\Child\MainWP_Child->parse_init()
#13 /home/tfcahost/ WP_Hook->apply_filters()
#14 /home/tfcahost/ WP_Hook->do_action()
#15 /home/tfcahost/ do_action()
#16 /home/tfcahost/ require_once(‘/home/tfcahost/…’)
#17 /home/tfcahost/ require_once(‘/home/tfcahost/…’)
#18 /home/tfcahost/ require_once(‘/home/tfcahost/…’)
#19 {main}

Hey @RonR-WebDesign

Welcome to the MainWP community!

Do you experience any other connection issues on the MainWP Dashboard for this site? For example, does Sync work, and can you deactivate any other plugins other than WP Super Cache?

Can you try deactivating the WP Super Cache plugin directly in the WP Admin of this child site, and see if you experience any issues?

No other connection issues and sync works normally. It’s just WP Super Cache. And, I can deactivate directly on its site.

Thanks for the update.

I’ve managed to reproduce the issue.

The development team will look into it, and I’ll update you via this thread as soon as I have more information.

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