If I then have it update a plugin, MainWP shows the Confirmation Modal which I click Yes on and then nothing happens except the Modal closes. It doesn’t matter what website I choose.
I can update website plugins on other pages in MainWP like going from the Overview and then clicking “See Details” from the Plugin Updates line:
I have several MainWP extensions installed including WPvivid for backups so I am not sure if it is MainWP with a bug or if it is some how an extension.
I couldn’t duplicate this behavior.
Can you please run a quick test to rule out potential conflicts and try to disable all plugin on your MainWP Dashboard site (except for MainWP Dashboard) and see if that helps?
I disabled all plugins except for the dashboard 1 at a time until none left except the dashboard and the issue still happens.
Enabling or Disabling the “Disable update confirmations” option doesn’t make a difference either, If enabled it displays but then just reloads the page and doesn’t update the plugin.
load-scripts.php?c=1&load[chunk_0]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,zxcvbn-async&ver=5.8:5 JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 3.3.2
admin.php:192 [Intervention] Images loaded lazily and replaced with placeholders. Load events are deferred. See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2048113
So I did a bit more testing and I can get it to update the plugin for a website on the “Manages Sites” page.
I first need to disable the Global setting:
“Require a backup before an update”
I can update plugins elsewhere on MainWP without any problems and without the need to disable this setting so there must be a bug in the function “updatesoverview_upgrade_plugin” that deals with this setting and on the Managed Sites page only. When this setting is enabled I never do get the “Checking Backup Settings” message and the “Full backup required” message when I try to update a plugin (on the Managed Sites page only).