I’m opening this topic because because I have a problem with the installation of MainWP-Child.
Indeed, I want to add a website to the mainwp dashboard that I created on a server we have. The configuration of the MainWP dashboard is correctly done, but as soon as I want to install MainWP-Child on a site I want to attach to this dashboard, I get an error 500 telling me : “PHP Warning: openssl_pkey_export(): cannot get key from parameter 1 in path_to_my_website\wp-content\plugins\mainwp-child\class-mainwp-child-server-information-base. php on line 389” (btw, line 389 contains openssl_pkey_export( $res, $privkey ); ) and I cannot access the dashboard of the child site plugin.
Do you have a solution to this problem please?
(Sorry if the subject has already been discussed, but I didn’t find it…)
Best regards,