I can’t add child site hosted on localhost into MainWP dashboard.
The MainWP dashboard is hosted on VPS. So, the issue is not my MainWP Dashboard as it manages couple sites.
On Child Server Info:
Warning: openssl_pkey_export(): cannot get key from parameter 1 in C:\Users\rajin\Local Sites\tutorlms\app\public\wp-content\plugins\mainwp-child\class\class-mainwp-child-server-information-base.php on line 389
If by localhost you mean on your local computer (C://…) then that’s because the VPS you have MainWP on doesn’t have a way to connect to it. Unless you have some sort of port forwarding on your network that deals with it.
Hi @Irfantony, @fotan is right.
Due to the nature of localhost setups, your Web-hosted dashboard can’t connect to the locally hosted child site because your localhost setup is closed for external traffic.
You can always create a new MainWP Dashboard on your localhost setup that will be able to connect to locally hosted child sites so if you have more than one, you can also manage them from a central location.