Where in the Pro Reports template can I change this display? For example, I would like to display the German translation “Datenbank” instead of “databases”. Or can/must I change this elsewhere?
Welcome to the MainWP community.
This text (database,themes,plugins…) comes directly from the plugin on the Child site itself.
If the plugin is translated to your target language, then changing the language of the Child Site will change this text.
Hey Bojan,
thanks for your reply!
It’s about WPVivid Backup. This means that if WPVivid is not available in German translation, it can only be displayed in English in the report, right? The child site is set to German and this has also solved the problem of the wrong date format.
That is correct. That text is entirely dependent on the plugin itself, which is WPVivid in this case.
You may reach out to the developer of the WPVivid and have them look into localizing this particular text.
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