I’m using WPvivid for backups.
This is set as default backup system in settings, a daily full backup is scheduled and working fine.
This is also shown correctly as last backup in the site overview.
However, when updating plugins, I still get a warning that there is not full backup taken within the last 3 days.
Also, clicking on the backup now button doesn’t start a new backup.
The WPVivid Backups for MainWP is a 3rd party extension and I believe that it’s not hooked up in all parts of MainWP at the moment so some features may be inaccurate.
At this point, it might be best to reach out to the WPVivid team and have them check this.
From my point of view (but I could be wrong) this is a MainWP issue.
As I see it, MainWP does the check if a backup exists. As the WPvivid backups are displayed correctly in the site overview I don’t think there is something wrong with the WPVivid integration. Unless MainWP checks for the existence of a backup elsewhere.
In that case, could you explain what kind of check and how/where it’s done so I can contact WPvivid team with this info?
I understand that this looks like a MainWP Dashboard plugin issue, but we can’t fix problems inside 3rd party plugins. Even though it looks like Dashboard should just check for the last backup date from the Sites table, in code, it’s a bit different. There are certain hooks that Extensions need to use in order to integrate into all systems.
As much as I know, the WPVivid team has been informed about this problem in the past along with some problems with integrating into reports, and they told us that it’s on their list to fix this.
Yes, we have realized the issue and a fix is planned. We plan to spend some time in the next few months to specifically improve the MainWP extension.
P.s., we are currently working some priority development work(enhancement of backup, restore & migration UI and UX) at the moment.