I have just recently had to disable plugins on a site because of issues with Elementor, which I have now solved.
In the process, I deactivated MainwWP Child & Child Reports plugins - since reactivating them, I get the Warning message about connecting the Child site to the MainWp dashboard, however, I can no no longer access the MainWP Child plugin settings, via either the link on that warning or via the Settings menu.
Everything else on the site is functioning as normal, but when I try to access the settings it times out - here’s a screenshot of the timeout:
Okay, so I just used the Rollback plugin and went back to version and I can now access the settings, so there is obviously a conflict of some kind with v4.1 somewhere?!
An error of type E_ERROR was caused in line 1323 of the file /home4/hkws/public_html/wp-content/plugins/mainwp-child/class/class-mainwp-child-server-information.php. Error message: Maximum execution time of 300 seconds exceeded