I see i can clean the tables for child reports on each website.
But is it possible to clean them from the central MainWP panel?
Hi @sierinkwp
Unfortunately, this is not possible with MainWP out-of-the-box.
However, you are most likely able to trigger the reset of the Database on the Child Site using our Bulk Settings Manager extension.
The documentation for the extension is available here: Bulk Settings Manager - MainWP Documentation
There you will also find examples with complete step-by-step instructions. Test on staging site first, if possible.
I would vote for this being a really helpful feature to add to the MainWP panel!
is it possible to post a key which will clean these database tables? So we can import in the bulk settings manager?
I am fiddling with this for half a day now…
Would be nice to just have a setting to clean these tables.
This key should be able to reset the database:
And the instructions for making a key are here: Create a Single Key - MainWP Documentation
Please let us know if that works.
I created the key, and ran it on all sites. Then did a sync. But according to the mainwp dashboard/reports extension the databases are not empty.
The label of the column “Reports DB size” on the Pro Reports > Dashboard page is not completely accurate. It shows the value of the entire DB and not just the tables related to Pro Reports.
We will have that renamed in the next version of Pro Reports.
To verify that the BSM key worked and that the Reports database was actually cleared, you’d have to check directly on the WP Admin of the child site on Settings > MainWP Child > CHILD REPORTS page.
I’ll check but most tables are >300mb
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