When installing updates on sites with MainWP Child 5.3.2 and WP Rocket installed, there’s no feedback from the child site anymore, so the update shows as failed, although it was installed (when checked on the site). I have to do a manual sync again to remove the update from the list.
There was also a post on Facebook referring to a support topic on the WP forum, and that’s probably related.
I cannot reproduce this issue. I can update plugins via the Dashboard 5.3.3 on sites that have WP Rocket and MainWP Child 5.3.2 installed.
I get a green checkmark that the updates were performed, and after the page is refreshed, the available updates are no longer displayed on the Dashboard.
Is there a tooltip when you mouse over the red X icon?
Can you check if anything relevant is being logged in Custom Event Monitor when it’s set to Debug?
I get the tooltip “MainWP Child plugin not detected or could not be reached…” and I have the same versions running.
This normally doesn’t happen (both with wp.org plugins and premium plugin) and now for multiple sites and multiple updates. As I knew about the other issue I checked and noticed that WP Rocket was running on these sites, so it might be related.
I’ll have to enable the debug function in Custom Event Monitor, which I will do for the next updates. I’ll let you know when I have more info.