I’ve tried connecting and it’s just not working… UPDATE BELOW*
I’ve followed these instructions (which seems they need to be updated a bit):Create Google Analytics Client ID and Client Secret - MainWP Documentation
I’ve tried starting over with the Google API Console. I started in Chrome and then tried in Firefox but nothing is working.
Every time I enter the Account Name (your instructions should mention this can be anything from within MainWP it took me a while to find anything mentioning this), Client ID, and Client Secret then hit Connect Account it opens the normal google app window where it says what it’s asking for “View your Google Analytics data” in this case, I click “Allow” and it brings me back to the “Connect Google Account” again. It’s like it’s a big loop that goes nowhere.
After typing the above and trying to get it to work somehow I stumbled upon something.
After you add your account it should re-route you to the “Manage Accounts” Tab vs. back to the “Visitor Data” Tab, the visitor data tab as this point still is blank and says “connect” so it completely throws you off. For others having this issue, make sure to check the “Manage Accounts” tab to see if you have the greenlight it connected, then make sure to follow the instructions below in this particular order, it will save you time.
This page should just go to straight to this page and after the 1st step in the Table of Contents, you should link or possibly just have the instructions from this page as contents #2. Then push the current #2 contents as contents #3.
The biggest thing for me was being re-routed back to the page where I’m still getting the “connect” button so it completely threw me off. Had it routed me to the “Manage Accounts” page and shown me that it did in fact connect, I would have been up and running hours ago, but there was no feedback saying your good so it made setting this up super confusing.
Hopefully, anyone who stumbles across this, it helps you save some time.
@Admins, a couple of suggestions:
After you add your account have it re-route you to the “Manage Accounts” Tab to see if the account connected. Being re-rounted to the page where it still says “connect” make it look like it didn’t connect.
On the “Create Google Analytics Client ID and Secret Client” it’s not clear if you have to use the cloudways.com URL or not. If you do, why or can you use another URL here? I’d explain what you need to use here.
Update the MainWP “Account Name” from the Google Analytics set page to say “Account Name (can be any name)” or something like this I probably spent 30+ mins just trying to figure out what it needed to be, but just using “Account Name” make it seem like it need to be something specific.