One thing I did discover about this recently is that IF you create a staging environment using either WP Time Capsule OR WP Staging that it will not allow you to “add” that site into Main WP. The reason for this is that they are ALREADY added automatically when those plugins are connected and you have created a staging environment. For these 2 plugins at least you will note a drop-down when you go to the “Updates” main page those allows you to select either Production or Staging. Updates ‹ Subsilio Consulti...
Pretty sure I didn’t set this up myself although I think it is a very smart idea. I DO wish that this drop down was also available in the Main Overview page for selection (perhaps show one or the other and then ALL) and also that these did show up under sites (there is NO drop-down there that I can see although I did organize sites into client sites, internal sites and development sites for groupings). If you DO click the “go to overview” button from the Updates for that Staging site it does have its own Overview page in the “Sites” area but there is no way to “separately” add this to the “sites” list so it show as different than its parent site (in fact Main WP will halt with a duplicate if you try to add the URL).
All interesting info that you may not have noticed although someone obviously did this intentionally. I do suggest you surface more control of this (aka a drop down under the site overview pages, a display for these in the “sites” overview page, etc). It is possible I’m just missing more info on how this works and/or more ways to change these functions but it seems to just work as far as I can tell.
Thank you all, for your help and your few on things!
I somehow still can not make up my mind, but I’ll try to find out if the staging site is recognised by mainwp.
In any case it seems to me, that connecting to the staging Site may be the better more professional option as this way, the live page won’t be affected, when updated, etc…!