I’ve just updated to 4.1. It is a huge disappointment. Single updates are ok but batch updates run forever. It is significantly slower compared to the previous version. Mainwp runs on a lighweight and hardened WordPress with almost no other plugins installed and without a frontend to speak of. The theme is nothing more but the stylesheet. The site runs on PHP 7.4 at 512MB PHP memory. What can I do? Do I have to donwgrade everything?
Right now 88 translation updates are running for at least 30 minutes. Befor the update this took 5 minutes or so.
I haven’t seen any performance issues with 4.1. Please check your browser console for errors. I think it might be related to your browser cache, that you might need to clear.
Thanks for the response. I cleared the cache with no significant effect. I then tried a completely empty browser in private mode. Didn’t change anything. The console shows some errors:
admin.php?page=UpdatesManage&tab=translations-updates:5156 Uncaught SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list
POST /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php net::ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED
GET /wp-includes/js/zxcvbn.min.js net::ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED
This is probably not the cause of the problem.
Single updates are working just fine. So, this is not an issue with a child site not responding which might slow down the process.
Hi @PaulK, thank you for the details.
This is not something that we can duplicate on our test sites. Also, we don’t have any other user reported this problem.
For the start, can you please try to deactivate all non-mainwp plugins on your dashboard site, make sure that all extensions are up to date and see how it goes.
Also, it could be some temporary server-side glitch so it would not be bad to wait for a day or two and see if the issue resolves.
If you continue experiencing this issue, please feel free to open a helpdesk ticket so we can check this.
Hi Bogdan,
this installation is strictly limited to mainwp. So, we don’t have any other plugins but one for backups and one for restricting the site access.
OK, I will wait and see. Might be just a coincidence.
Thanks, Mike
Hi Mike, thanks. I will wait for your further updates.
I’ve investigated it further. It is pretty sure that the clients reports extension causes the problems. After deactivating everything works just fine. This is a huge bummer, since I renewed the subscription 3 weeks ago and put a LOT of work in customizing the reports. How can we proceed from here? I really need this extension. However, I can’t run batch updates when it is active.
Thanks for the update.
Since you have a ticket in the helpdesk system, I also replied there too.
Please try to reinstall the extension and see if that solves the problem.
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