I just updated the extension Database Updater to the latest version 5.0.2 to fix some knows issues, but notice some other issues.
The extensions stops updating after finishing the first 3 sites and is hanging in the pending state for the other sites left in the list when updating all.
Also the progress bar does not to seem work properly and shows 0% and 0 out of 6 in my case.
We have just released an update for Database Updater (v 5.0.3) that addresses these two issues:
Considering some JavaScript is likely cached in your browser, please perform a hard refresh (Ctrl + Shift +R / Command + Shift + R), or clear your browser cache (Chrome, Safari, Firefox) after updating the extension.
I am still having the exact same issue. I have updated the Database Updater to v5.0.3.
I have disabled the Database Updater extension and re-enabled.
I have reactivated extensions.
I have revalidated API key.
I have logged out, logged back in.
I have done the hard refresh (Command + Shift + R).
I am using Chrome Incognito.
I have cleared server cache (even though I have caching disabled on the MainWP Dashboard). I did it anyway in case there is anything going on with Cloudflare.
As Ivar mentioned, I am also experiencing:
The extensions stops updating after finishing the first 3 sites and is hanging in the pending state for the other sites left in the list when updating all.
Also the progress bar does not to seem work properly and shows 0%.
The issues you’re describing were indeed present in v5.0.2.
However, in our tests of v5.0.3 on multiple Dashboards, these issues were resolved and subsequently confirmed by multiple users.
If you are using Dashboard v5.1, Database Updater v.5.03. and the issue persists even after a hard refresh, please open a private Help Desk ticket so we can collect some additional information & investigate further.