Email & Report PDF Tokens Empty

I’ve had my child and child report sites setup for a couple of weeks now, but I’m still seeing blank data in most of the reports. I’m just seeing the plain text tokens where data should be. Oddly, the Google Analytics stuff is coming through fine. From reading the server information report, it looks like there might be an ssl error and possibly a timeout error, but not sure what to make of the reports. I have downloaded two reports from different child sites:

plumThumb report
Aspire report

Anyone have ideas on what could be the problem?


Hey @Jeffsne

Can you check if the expected logs fall within the date range of the report?

Can you share some of the tokens for which you’re not seeing actual values for?

Keep in mind that the MainWP Child Reports plugin has had to be installed and active during the period for which you’re creating the report.

Hi Bojan, you’re right about the date range, I had December in there which was before I installed the child themes. However, after resyncing the sites, only the Wordfence Security Scans are showing up in the PDF (but not the email template). Here’s a screenshot of my custom email template, which shows the tokens I’m using.

Can you please try one of the built-in templates so we can determine if the issue perhaps lies with your custom template?

If you’re seeing the same issue with them as well, please open a private Help Desk ticket so we can collect some additional information & investigate further.

Please refer to this Community thread by its URL in the ticket.

Hi Bojan, do you know of a resource I can hire to help me with the setup of MainWP and create some custom email templates? I’m not having much luck setting things up and sure could use some help. Do you know of anyone in the MainWP community?

Unfortunately, I don’t know of such a resource.

However, if you are facing any specific issues while following our instructions, please do open a private help desk ticket and we will gladly look into it.

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