Trying to Add a New Site with MainWP installed as the first and only plugin in a fresh WP build.
Error message: SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name ‘www.clienturl’
Which would indicate an SSL error which is unlikely as the SSL Labs test for the SSL / URL reports A grade accurate SSL.
So my question is, what process is being used to test the connection, that is likely to fall-through to this inaccurate error message, or what is the ‘full explanation’ of the meaning of that error ?
Resolved: The domain name was previously hosted on a different server co-incidentally within the same DC as the MainWP site I operate. The DNS on the MainWP parent site server was seeing the old IP from the DC internal DNS while the MainWP Child site is on the new IP in another DC and correctly configured to the rest of the world.
So the SSL not matching relates to the default SNI lookup on the old server no longer hosting the child domain and not matching which is kind of correct just a bit misleading. Including the IP address of the failing URL / SSL would have made this error obvious.
A refresh of the DNS which relies on the old host clearing their server, should fix the issue.