In the old MainWP it was possible to create a single monitor for each web page. When creating a monitor you could configure the type (for example “Keyword”). Both is no longer possible today. Changing the type (which is offered in the extension) does not work, because Advanced Uptime Robot does not support this.
If a monitor is created directly on the Advanced Uptime Monitor website, it will not appear in MainWP and therefore cannot be linked to the page.
However, an http monitor is useless if you want to know if a page is online, because this kind of monitor only activates when the whole server is offline.
So it would be extremely urgent that this function is finally restored after the launch of the new MainWP several months ago now!
P.S.: I have reported this problem to support several times. But since the feature has been removed (for whatever reason), the support asked me to resubmit it as a feature request.