Hello, I have a bit of an odd problem and would greatly appreciate some guidance from the wizzards.
The File Uploader Extention seems to be quite happy with uploading files to most of the sites in my MainWP group but for some reason all the sites on one particular VPS instance are rejecting the file upload with the following error.
“Upload failed. Please make sure the site is connected properly.”
Oddly the File Uploader creates the directory on the server but refuses to upload the 6k .txt file (Where there are plenty file size and time resources are available).
The other sites on the other VPS happily accept the File Uploader and all the site connections seem fine and other functions work. IE when I run a remote post to one of the sites with a featured image it uploads the content and image file with no problems, it’s just the File Uploader extention and only on one of my servers.
I have been through all the php configs between the VPS’s and tried to see discrepencied in the PHP config (as I setup my VPS pretty much on the same platforms and with the same control panels and resources). There is a difference in PHP versions but all higher than 8.
The public folder file permissions are the same as the working VPS’s and wordpress directories are writable all the wordpress health checks seem fine etc.
I’m a little stumped at this point. The File Uploader works beautifully on all the other servers it’s just this one problem child. Any assitance or insights would be greatly appreciated.