FluentCRM Pro - Plugins disappeared


I have a strange issue. I have 5 sites where FluentCRM Pro is installed. Today I noticed on one site the advertising to get Pro, and I have noticed, that the plugin has disappeared.
I checked the other sites and there it was the same.

Even the pluginfolder was not there anymore, but after installing the plugin, all configuration is there,

Is there any idea how this can happen?

Many thanks!

Best regards,

Hi @rudi

MainWP deactivates or deletes plugins only on explicit user commands, and no MainWP feature or functionality entails automatic plugin deletion.

Do you have any kind of logging plugin on any of the child sites that might have logged who or what removed the plugin?
If you have the MainWP Child Reports plugin installed, maybe it managed to log something of relevance.

And do you have any security software (plugins or server-side) that might have made a false detection and deleted it?

Hi Bojan,

I do not have any logging plugin installed, but I have iThemes Security Pro on all sites. In this log I do not see anything.

OK, I reinstalled, and all is up.

Thanks again.


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You are most welcome.

If the issue reoccurs, in addition to the consideration of installing a logging plugin to see what might be deleting FluentCRM, you can also check in the Non-MainWP Changes widget to see if it managed to log any activity regarding that.

Hi @rudi, we are using Fluent CRM too and no issue.
I tried to sync the site multiple time but still there, plugin didn’t disapear.
Are you using MainWP Beta?

Hi @wpexpert ,

I have on my server.

The really strange thing is that it happened on all 5 sites where I use FluentCRM. I do not see anything in the iThemes Security log or in the Non-MainWP Changes widget as @bojan mentioned.

I only noticed, because in the FluentCRM dashboard was the note that I should get PRO, and first I thought I have to re activate the pro version.

I also use the Virusdie extension (in the free version). Could they cause an issue like this?


Very intriguing indeed @rudi !
And you have nothing in the logs, that even weirder… I am clueless.
Maybe your hosting provider may have some logs where you can see everything happened on your sites. But also, maybe an issue with the plugin itself? FluentForm major updates broke a few sites of ours and since it is the same company, could be that too.
For logging, we are using Simple History as we are doing our security outside of WordPress and it keeps log of everything, maybe try this one.
Anybody else may have an idea of what happening?

  1. As @wpexpert suggested, can you check with your hosting provider and see if they have logs that may give insight into this?

  2. Another potential cause is if the plugin version is not up to date and Virusdie or some other security layer is removing it because of a detected vulnerability. There was one just recently.

  3. Some hosts have a list of disallowed plugins. It’s worth checking out if your host has a list like that and perhaps if they started disallowing FluentCRM. However, it would be odd that they would remove only the Pro version.

  4. Finally, does anyone else have access to the server? Perhaps they removed it via FTP, or a File Manager app in the hosting dashboard.

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