Fully automatic updates for some sites?

This has been asked before and at least in 2020 it was still not possible. See Maintenance - some sites automatic but others manual

Since I manage many sites some more important than others, at different plan levels and purposes, I really need some sites to be completely automatically updated. Things like blueprint/starter sites, dev/staging sites, personal stuff, or cheap maintenance plans that are fully automated etc.

But other sites are more important and I do updates manually in person to make sure everything goes smooth. Or they are temperamental. I don’t want anything automatic on them at all.

I want to get to a place where I can control what stuff is automatically updated or not, PER SITE.

Are we any closer to that now in 2025?

Hey @zackw

While we don’t have active plans for such a feature at this moment, there is an open suggestion about a related feature on our official feedback site: Scheduling auto-updates of groups (tags) of sites on different days - MainWP

We are always expanding MainWP with features our users want the most, so please give it a vote if you would like to see it implemented.

If you wish, we also invite you to create a new suggestion for per-site automatic updates if per-group is not granular enough for your use case.

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