First, this extension is fully set and working it will get Google Analytics data — if I force it!
I go to Extentions > Google Analytics > Settings > Click Refresh Data. It does something in the background and then returns.
I go to Manage Sites > One of my sites > Scroll down to view Google Analytics… it’s showing the wrong data. There is a blank dropdown to select website and from there I have to click on my site’s title and then the correct data is refreshed and shown.
It appears that Refesh Data is doing nothing and also “Enable schedule data refresh” (once an hour) isn’t working.
The issue seems to be related simply to the fact that the GA widget on the Child Site Overview page doesn’t have the appropriate site selected in the dropdown.
However, in my testing, the appropriate site already is selected once I load the Child Site Overview page:
Let’s do it this way… here’s a video link. This is showing going to a site’s dashboard and viewing the analytics data. I see the data and if I refresh the page, the data changes, and refresh again and the data changes. I only get accurate data if I use the dropdown and select the site. I would certainly expect that data to be accurate when viewing the site’s dashboard.
(sorry about the audio…)
Yes, I disabled all plugins except MainWP, Analytics Ext, and Reports Ext.
Again, from what I can tell, the numbers are correct once the site is selected in the dropdown in the widget.
However, the site should be already selected and there shouldn’t be a way to even deselect it, or choose a blank entry in the dropdown so this certainly seems like an issue:
Can you check what version of the Google Analytics extension you are running?
And can you please try in an incognito browser window without any browser extensions?
If you are using Google Analytics extensions v5.0.1 and the issue persists, please open a private Help Desk ticket so we can collect some additional information & investigate further.
Please refer to this Community thread by its URL in the ticket.
I summited a ticket last week and haven’t heard anything… I’m hoping that this means that this was confirmed a bug and they it’s being worked on. I’ve looked at this further and it appears that the GA extension’s Settings > Manual and Auto refresh is broken. It does nothing…
A bit more digging and looking at the database. I found:
…shouldn’t this always have each site’s data? Out of 40 sites, I only see 4 listed. Something’s not right.
edit… I just found that clicking on “Refresh Data” adds only one more site to the database. Click it again, one more added… ??? Or, even more weird… while on the Google Analytics Extension Settings page, refreshing the page(!) will add one more to the database… ??? How do we get all sites refreshed with GA data?