Gravity Forms plugin removed when updating sites

Today I updated Gravity Forms on 20 sites. After a few hours I noticed that the plugin doesn’t exist anymore on one of the sites. It seems like the update process just deleted the old plugin version and didn’t install the new version.

Has anyone had similar experiences?

Hi @pabstwp

Welcome to the MainWP community.

MainWP doesn’t handle plugin updates directly but simply triggers the standard WordPress update process on the connected child sites. If the plugin was deleted during the update process, the issue likely stems from the server environment or WordPress itself rather than MainWP.

I would suggest checking the debug logs and/or server logs on the affected child site to see if you can find more information about what happened to the Gravity Forms plugin.

Hi Bojan,

thank you for your reply. I checked the logs but couldn’t find anything helpful. All other plugins where updated correctly, just Gravity Forms was removed. I set up a Robot now which periodically checks if the HTML of a specific page contains the form code. That’s all I can do to find out with the next update if something went wrong again.

I still wonder if MainWP can recognize if a plugin has been removed instead of updated during an update.

MainWP will certainly alert you if something goes wrong during the update process, and the plugin itself will be attempted to be rolled back.

However, MainWP will not alert you if the plugin gets removed after a successful update.

We’d suggest installing WP Activity Log on the desired child sites, and WP Activity Log extension for MainWP Dashboard, and see if anything useful gets logged next time this occurs.

@bojan Thanks for the hint. WP Activity Log is already installed but I didn’t know about the extension. I will give it a try.

I can’t install the extension.

This plugin has been closed as of October 25, 2024 and is not available for download. This closure is permanent. Reason: Author Request.

The functionality of that previous plugin, is now integrated into the WP Activity Log plugin.

Please see Melapress’ KB for more info about setting up Activity Log for MainWP: Getting Started with MainWP activity log | Melapress

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