I would like to know how to remove unuse plugin from Favorite plugins list in MainWP dashboard?
I would like to know how to remove unuse plugin from Favorite plugins list in MainWP dashboard?
Hi Sandy,
These options seem to be missing indeed, so I don’t have the soluition, but I can offer a workaround… These favorite plugins are stored on the server in the following location, so you can use (S)FTP or a file manager to delete them: /wp-content/uploads/mainwp/0/favorites/plugins
And you can additionally remove a record from the database, where every item has a record in the table wp_mainwp_favorites_plugin_theme
But I hope this will be fixed in a future version, because it shouldn’t be so hard to implement.
Hi @sandysaille, can you please check this help docuement:
Of course…I’m not sure why I missed that. Sorry for the misunderstanding…
Thank you! I can remove now!
Thanks for verifying that. I am happy to see that everything works as expected.
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